Le Ciclofficine del Teatro Povero

Strada di Bagno Vignoni, 1/A – Bagno Vignoni, Siena

At the entrance to the spa village of Bagno Vignoni, Le Ciclofficine del Teatro Povero offer e-bike rental bikes, some with children’s size, an information and refreshment point, charging for electric bikes, and everything you need to enjoy an unforgettable excursion in the hills of Val d’Orcia!
The Ciclofficine are one of the experiences that the Teatro Povero of Monticchiello offers as a project of Cooperative of Community, combining a service for bicycle lovers, electric and not, with a project of integration and integration into the world of work.

e-bike and bike rental
delivery bicycle at our shop or at your accomodation
guided tours
personalized tours
pick-up service on the path
luggage transport
coffee corner
info point

For more information:
Strada di Bagno Vignoni, 1/A – Bagno Vignoni, Siena
CELLULARE: +39 333 2946755
MAIL: info@ciclofficineteatropovero.it

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