The land without the sweetness of trees – Itinerary

The starting point of this route is Porta Pispini, pedaling along the road that leads to Due Ponti, entering the cycle path that begins right at the large roundabout. We take the Cycle/pedestrian path just over a kilometer long and in the Black Mud area, where the protected section ends, we continue along Strada del Ruffolo, Taverne D’Arbia, where the Crete Senesi area begins. (be careful when crossing)


We pedal along the Strada Lauretana in direction to Asciano, a strip of asphalt that cuts through a rough territory which after a couple of kilometers begins to climb. Anyone wishing to cycle to the heart of the Crete and live a strong emotional and physical experience (the detour that we propose here, mostly on clay, can be covered with a mountain bike and only in dry periods) at km10.300 must follow the sign on the left to Leonina. Here the dirt road ends to give rise to a path on clay, we are at the Site Transitoire. Leaving this place, we continue to pedal on clay, until we reach Mucigliani.


The asphalt path that connects Arbia to the crossroads for San Martino in Grania presents uphill sections of a certain slope.

Arriving at high altitude, we meet a signposted panoramic point where it is natural to stop to admire the skyline towards the Val d’ Arbia and beyond.


To reach San Martino in Grania and Monteroni d’Arbia , we leave the asphalted road and turn right in the road crossed on the opposite direction by Strade Bianche

Leaving San Martino, a stretch of 10 kilometers with white roads of a rare beauty and tend to descend in steps (pay attention) towards the alluvial plain of Arbia. Once we arrive in the valley and pass San Fabiano, we have reached Monteroni d’Arbia.



The second part of this itinerary, about 20km , starts from the center of Monteroni along the provincial di Grotti. The asphalted road, leaving the last houses of the village behind, begins to climb with a certain slope and then descend towards the short plain crossed by the Sorra stream. These kilometers are also the occasion to admire the panorama around you till the autere profile of Monte Amiata. We ride safely and climb the hill from where you sweep across the plain below

In Radi we take the direction to Siena along a dirt road that continues for about 7 kilometers,  in an alternation  of gentle climbs and descents; the last dirt stretch before the final kilometers along the Cassia  is quite difficult, so pay attention.

The Route

  • Length: 45 km
  • Altimeters: +/- 884 m
  • Slope maximum: + 13,3% / -13,4%
  • Type of road surface: mixed (dirt road, path, paved)
  • Type of bike recommended: gravel – MTB